Hello to the new addition of a blogger additions to the code developer steps.
Today we add background color codes blogger change, as this add rather new, and many people are looking for as it is for me, too.
So I decided to share it with you in a blog post today,
Now is a way to add the installation of:
1. Go to your blog on Blogger.
2. Planning.
3. Add tool
4. Select the HTML / JavaScript
5. Add this code:
<script type="text/javascript"> function bgChange(bg) { document.body.style.background=bg; } </script> <table border="1" width="100%" height="20"> <tbody><tr> <td onclick="bgChange('#8B008B')" bgcolor="#8B008B"> </td> <td onclick="bgChange('#9400D3')" bgcolor="#9400D3"> </td> <td onclick="bgChange('#008080')" bgcolor="#008080"> </td> <td onclick="bgChange('#808080')" bgcolor="#808080"> </td> <td onclick="bgChange('#CD853F')" bgcolor="#CD853F"> </td> <td onclick="bgChange('#2F4F4F')" bgcolor="#2F4F4F"> </td> <td onclick="bgChange('#DC143C')" bgcolor="#DC143C"> </td> <td onclick="bgChange('#4B0082')" bgcolor="#4B0082"> </td> <td onclick="bgChange('#A52A2A')" bgcolor="#A52A2A"> </td> </tr></tbody></table>
Add background color change codes blogger
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