Install method Anti ads remover AdBlock on blogs Blogger
If you're a blogger or site owner there is no doubt that the source of profit through this site is the Google Adsense ads company, or any other competitive company like RevenueHits or Bidvertiser or other ..
Thus you need to clicks by visitors in order to win, and even if you win clicks will win by Ad views, but sometimes you may encounter visitors using anti Adblock ads, which is considered more Add Downloaded on Google Chrome store and therefore will not be able to monetize through these because the ads will not show them to you, which is a physical barrier in front of them.
So in today's lesson I will touch with you to the way the installation of anti-remover Ads AdBlock on your blog in Blogger inadvertently forcing the visitor to remove this addendum to browse the site, and therefore this increases the chance of profit through the visitors' my dear brother.
Let's get into the heart of the matter now!
The first thing my dear brother, the trend towards a template and then edit the HTML and then look for:
Place this code after (below);
<div id='allinantiadblock'>
Now Look for this tag:
gluing this code on it (before):
<div id='adblockertextset'/><script src=''/><script src='' type='text/javascript'/><script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
In the end, I hope to benefit from this lesson. Greetings!
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